DeGods NFT Collection: An Unprecedented Success For Solana

Finally, the NFT community is starting to recognize that Solana can have some cool global collections as well. The Efir boyars began to look at the Solana as well. And of course, this is the merit of the DeGods collection, created back in October 2021.

And now it has grown so much that it is in the top 5 most expensive collections on the blockchain! And in terms of floor, it is second only to blue chips on the air: BAYC, MAYC, Punks, Moonbird. In the article, we tell what kind of project it is and why it has gained such popularity.

What is DeGods?

DeGods is a digital art collection and a global community of creators, developers, entrepreneurs, athletes, artists, experimenters, and innovators. Created on the Solana blockchain by a man whose real identity is unknown, named Frank. He is said to be 17 years old. 

Frank is now considered the No. 1 influencer among the NFT community on Solana. More than 127 thousand people have subscribed to his Twitter page.

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Of the notable holders of his DeGods collection:

  • Solana Blockchain Co-Founder – Anatoly Yakovenko;
  • Solana Blockchain Co-Founder – Raj Gokal;
  • Famous rapper – Ice Cube.

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DeGods Mafia:

Thanks to DeGods, big successful projects appeared on Solana, which are now in the top, and they can be safely called bluechip collections:

  • Blocksmith Labs – it is worth noting, a high-quality platform utility that simplifies the work with whitelists;
  • Vandal City;
  • Trippin’ Ape Tribe;

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DeGods NFTs

The DeGods NFT collection was released on October 9, 2021, with a supply of 10,000, and the price of a mint was 3 SOL, which at that time was about $460. Half of the collection is now 400 SOL, which is over $12,000!

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First of all, the DeGods hooked everyone with their art component. They are beautifully rendered ancient Gods in the style of Bored, i.e. art with a tired look, analogue of Bored Ape Yacht Club. A collection of 10,000 items is generated using a combination of various cosmetic attributes, such as suit, pipe, etc.

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However, they did not become a passing collection, where the floor of the marketplace depended only on the market. They thought ahead and created the PHBT (Paper Hand Bitch Tax), which made it possible to keep half of the collection at a decent level. Basically, it was a 33.3% tax if the NFT was listed below the mint or buy price.

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DeGods and DeadGods:

There are 2 types of NFT DeGods, which differ not only in their design but also in their benefits, we will talk about them later. DeadGods are crafted from classic DeGods using StarDust, an item purchasable for $1,000DUST.

When you mint DeadGods, your DeGods are burned.

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DUST Token

One of the main goals of DeGods was to scare paper pens (they destabilize the market) and reward collection holders. $DUST is a Solana Program Library (SPL) token that serves as a reward for holders. At the time of writing, its cost is $1.69:

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The main thing is that you can only earn $DUST by staking or burning NFTs, with the former resulting in an increase in the value of DeGod and the latter resulting in an increase in the value of $DUST.

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Let’s get back to DeadGods. Why are they more useful than regular DeGods? The reason is simple, we get more for staking DeadGods than for classic NFTs.

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DeGods Roadmap

RoadMap at DeGods is different from what we are used to. This is just a picture on which all the future plans of the project are thrown:

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What they have already implemented or are regularly doing:

  • Basketball team.  DeDao bought the BIG3 pro league basketball team rapper IceCube. The deal amounted to $625,000. On the road map, this is shown in the center, where is the stadium with the basketball;
  • DUST Store. DeGods marketplace, where purchases are made for $DUST;
  • y00ts. Global project and ecosystem from DeGods. Minted only for $DUST. Now half of the collection for mint tickets is over 140+ SOL.

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DeGods really was a breakthrough and took Solana collections to a whole new level. Thanks to them, other blue chip collections appeared. Therefore, if you want to be the first to know about upcoming cool drops, we advise you to closely follow their every action and tweet, they set the trend in our NFT community!

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