How Web3 Will Affect The US Elections In November

A report by Haun Ventures found that one in five US voters owns a cryptocurrency or NFT. And 91% of respondents supported the idea of ​​a decentralized internet. 

The company that released the report stressed that Web3 enthusiasts are less likely to support candidates opposed to the decentralized internet. 

Like voters, candidates consider how Web3 will impact people and their values. It is vital for voters that their candidate supports this space and does not oppose it. 

The polled voters tend to democratize and decentralize the Internet, although the issue of Web3 is of interest to both parties. 

55% of respondents would be less likely to vote for an anti-decentralization candidate. Interestingly, 72% of those surveyed said they own cryptocurrencies or NFTs because they want a more democratized economic system:

“This poll shows that in these pro-Web3 swing states, voters now represent a significant cohort of the middle-class electorate, who are younger and more diverse than the general population.”

In November, mid-term elections will be held in the United States. Past candidates will take office in January. Morning Consult surveyed mid-September. The results of the survey form the basis of the Haun Ventures report. To create this company in March, Cathy Haun, Coinbase board member and former OpenSea board member raised $1.5 billion.

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