Meta Avatars Get A Fashionable Update Thanks To DRESSX

Meta avatars stocked up on fashionable clothes. This was made possible through integration with digital clothing supplier DressX. Items from the DressX collection will be delivered alongside apparel from Balenciaga, Prada, and Thom Browne, which partnered with Meta to launch the digital apparel store.

DressX will offer several styles, including a bodycon mini dress and a branded sweatshirt. Prices will range from $2.99 ​​to $8.99. Regardless, Meta will continue to offer free outfit options for its users.

Users can create their own avatar and use it on Instagram, Facebook, Messenger, and Meta’s Quest VR headset.

Meta released its updated 3D avatars earlier this year as part of its ongoing push into the metaverse. Meta will share a portion of the revenue with DressX. Though a spokesperson for Meta said last month that the company had “no details” about whether it would share revenue with designers.

New DressX collections will appear monthly. A little later, Meta will take a cue from DressX and provide an opportunity for independent authors to sell their designs.

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