Portfolio – The New MetaMask App

Cryptocurrency wallet MetaMask is launching a beta version of Portfolio, an application that combines several performance tracking tools and platforms.

According to the release, Portfolio will combine accounts and assets of different blockchains. The application is available in a browser version and for mobile devices. 

Using the “View any wallet” function, the user can not only add an offline or hardware wallet but also give them a name of their choice. You can also add a friend’s public address or ENS address here. 

You can also edit accounts in the app (e.g., add, modify, delete), and keeping track of your NFTs and multi-chain assets is even easier. 

The “Watch any account” feature allows you to view your portfolio even if the application user does not have a MetaMask account. 

With the launch of the beta version of the application, MetaMask developers are reminded of the risks associated with a decentralized platform. Previously, NordVPN discovered a severe flaw related to leaking users’ IP addresses. The hacker gains access to the user’s IP address by sending them an NFT. 

In January, security expert Alexandru Lupascu first identified this vulnerability in the wallet. At the same time, he stressed that users could lose their digital assets. 

He added that attackers only need to gain access to more information from the IP address, such as geolocation, to steal the funds. 

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