How Ready Player One Predicted The Metaverse?

Throughout history, popular science fiction novels and films have predicted, in one way or another, the most significant achievements of mankind. Ready Player One, the cult film based on the book of the same name, was no exception. 

Netizens had found five exact moments when Ready Player One predicted the emergence of the Metaverse

1. Global isolation

Prediction: A world ruined by capitalism where people only gather online to play Oasis virtual reality.

Reality: A pandemic that forced the world to hide in their homes and communicate with each other through games like VR Chat. 

2. The resurgence of virtual reality

Prediction: No computers and cell phones. The only way to communicate is through VR.

Reality: VR as a medium for games was not famous for long, and in 2010 it was remembered only thanks to the writer Ernest Kline. Today, many companies are developing VR headsets due to the popularization of the metaverse.

3. The emergence of the metaverse

Prediction: The Oasis became the virtual place where people gathered in the garb of their avatars. 

Reality: The concept of Oasis is very similar to the current understanding of the metaverse. Now the metaverse and avatars are real things in the real world. 

4. Ambitious crossovers in one place 

Prediction: All the characters of cult games and pop culture in one place. Oasis has brought together the Kong franchise, Back to the Future, Space Jam, and more in one place. 

Reality: Fortnite is coming. The only thing that differentiates this game from Oasis is the lack of a VR mode. Moreover, many companies such as Disney are looking to buy up all the IPs in the world. A striking example – Star Wars and Marvel now live in the same house. 

5. The advent of the blockchain 

Prediction: Oasis works on its own and performs its task very well but can use the computing power of its users’ equipment if necessary.

Reality: The emergence of a decentralized economic system does not depend on banks because all transactions go through its users’ computers.

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